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It's Time To Learn the Tools to STOP the PMDD Monthly Breakups!

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Breakup Proof Academy Enrollment

For only $99/month, The Breakup Proof Academy gives you access to signature weekly trainings from a PMDD Relationship Psychotraumatologist, Dr. Rose Alkattan and unlimited access to prior trainings on her signature PMDD Trauma Transformational Tools.

Breakup Proof Academy Member Benefits:

  • Exclusive Weekly PMDD Relationship Trainings

  • Access To A Private Facebook Group

  • Access To My Academy on my Private App

  • Exclusive Discounts on Private PMDD Partner Sessions

  • Access to all prior PMDD Relationship Trainings

  • Exclusive PMDD Relationship Content that only within This Academy

  • Signature Workbooks included in PMDD Partner Trainings

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

  • Facts About Breakup Proof Academy Membership

  • When you sign up for the PMDD Partners Breakup-Proof Academy, you are agreeing to reoccurring payments every 30 days after your initial sign up. You may cancel this at any time by emailing 

  • Access to the Site

  • This Academy is subscription-based and as long as you are subscribed, you will have access to the content. 

  • Private Facebook Group

  • Once you are enrolled, you can request access to the Private PMDD Partners Breakup-Proof Academy. If you are no longer a monthly subscriber, you will be removed from the Facebook Group

  • PMDD Partners Breakup Proof Academy Group 

  • As a member of the PMDD Partners Breakup-Proof Academy you will be granted access to a private group on with direct daily access to myself for daily PMDD Relationship Support.

Academy Trainings

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❤️Here are the Problems the

"PMDD Breakup-Proof Academy" solves:


❤️I give PMDD Partners tools to understanding of what PMDD is & how it can affect your Relationship 


❤️Everything that I teach you about your relationship is customized to PMDD…no more spending time trying to explain to your therapist/counselor what PMDD is and what you go through every month


❤️This is a safe place to get your PMDD Relationship questions answered directly with tools that you can apply immediately


💔Struggling with PMDD Rage? I give you tools to use for your PMDD Relationship


💔Tired of the Monthly PMDD Breakups? I give you tools for your relationship that will STOP you from feeling like you have to breakup with your partner in order to get peace


💔Tired of feeling like you’re not getting the support you need from your PMDD Partner? I give your partner an understanding of what those suffering with PMDD need to feel supported


💔Tired of walking on eggshells because your Partner suffers with PMDD, and you feel like you’re doing everything wrong? I give you tools that will allow you to get back the love that you desire and deserve

💔Struggling with getting the attention that you need in your PMDD Relationship? I give you tools to feel connected to your partner again


💔Tired of being frustrated with not getting the space you need during PMDD? I give you tools on how to get the space you need while not doing damage to your PMDD Relationship


🌹Let me tell you the truth…. you will NOT find this EXCLUSIVE PMDD Partners OFFER anywhere else!




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