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Meet Rose 

I Get Your Struggle...

I have been there...

EVERY single month

Struggling with PMDD & feeling defeated in my Intimate Relationship

I am a PMDD Relationship Expert who specializes in Trauma. 


As a individual who has navigated PMDD for over 15 years, I get it, I have been there and I still go through PMDD every month. 


My PMDD Relationship Story

After struggling  to maintain an intimate relationship for years I spent years single. During that time, when I was really honest and took that hard, painful look at myself I finally admitted that I had no idea how to manage my emotions while in PMDD. I had to come to the harsh reality that maybe I was the problem, not my previous partners. I knew deep down if I did not take the time to figure out how to manage my emotions while in PMDD then I would spend a lifetime of a revolving door of partners and never anything solid and long lasting I thought what kind of impact that would have on my own self-worth and even worst…what kind of message that was sending my daughter? I knew if I gave up before I got help.

I would always wonder what if? 

What if I really could have a supportive and peaceful Relationship AND PMDD?

I owed it to myself to invest to discover ways to allow me to manage my emotions while in PMDD so that I could have the long-lasting supporting partner and relationship I always dreamed of

 And guess what…now I do have it!












I have an amazing PMDD Partner who is supportive, understanding, loves me unconditionally even on my bad PMDD Days.

I am NOT here to tell you that it was easy!

It took work and action using my proven PMDD Trauma Transformative Techniques. By utilizing these tools, we were able to have everything we feel loved and supported in an intimate relationship while still having PMDD every month. 

I want that for you too!

I know maintaining a relationship with PMDD is a struggle, yet most importantly I know that you DESERVE a healthy, supportive and lifelong Intimate Relationship because as women with PMDD we suffer through so much!

We DO NOT have to Be Alone to have peace during PMDD! 

So join me on this journey of seeing what is possible to you and your partner once you both have the right techniques to have the supportive relationship that you both Desire and Deserve!

Your road to Peace & Love, Support with your Intimate Relationship and PMDD begins here!


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